Cat Trees - Why are they important

Published | 4 min read
Cat Trees - Why are they important


During ancient times cats were worshiped and they still remember this and they won’t make us forget the same. They act all high and mighty and are ever ready to occupy a high shelf or any other high surface area which they can reach and convert it into a throne. While hopping from one place to another in search of the perfect throne there’s a possibility that they might get hurt or accidentally fall off. So how do you prevent your cat from climbing high shelves and cabinets in your house and possibly having an accidental fall. The answer is simple - buy a cat tree. A cat tree is an artificial structure for a cat to play, exercise, relax and sleep on.  Read on to understand why your cat needs one

  1. A cozy place to hide and restAfter the tiresome sessions of climbing, hunting and grooming your cat can ease off and take a nap because cat trees have flat or deep bowl-shaped platforms for your cats to stretch and lie down or curl into fur balls.Some cat trees have enclosed platforms which provide privacy. Variety is the spice of life. Make sure that the cat tree you end up purchasing has at least two different types of platforms.
  2. ToysCats don’t rely on humans to have a gala time. They can be their own companions. When your cat is home alone and bored, a cat tree can keep your cat entertained. Cat trees come with inbuilt toys such as a dangling plush mouse or a plush bird or just colorful feathers attached to a rope to satisfy their predatory instincts.
  3. Inbuilt cat scratcherScratchers are very useful as they help your cat to release all the pent- up energy. Along with toys and platforms, cat trees have inbuilt scratchers as well. An inbuilt cat scratcher can be your saving grace. Your cat may no longer devour your furniture once she gets habituated to the inbuilt cat scratcher. It’s a perfect piece of furniture to save your furniture.
  4. ExerciseHealth is a state of complete physical and mental wellbeing and exercise is the key to achieve that. A cat tree is a great way to provide your cat with some much-needed exercise. Exercise also helps to release endorphins that will make your cat feel happy. It’s an all in one powerful tool through which your cat can stay physically fit and achieve mental serenity at the same time.
  5. Source of amusementCats love to jump and climb. Outdoor cats fulfill this natural instinct by climbing the trees, roofs or any other high place which they can reach. But what about indoor cats? How are they supposed to satisfy their natural instinct? The answer is simple. They can do so safely within the four walls of your house by climbing a cat tree. It has different levels and ramps which will allow your cat to jump, climb or crawl. It will definitely be a great source of enjoyment.

So as you can see, cat trees serve many purposes in a cat’s life and are hence invaluable to their health and well-being. Here are some points you could keep in mind while buying a cat tree. 

When buying a cat tree, consider the following: 

  1. The cat tree should have a strong and sturdy base.
  2. Choose a cat tree with anti – slip surface
  3. Decide whether you want a carpeted or non-carpeted cat tree.  Remember carpeted cat trees can be a bit difficult to clean. 
  4. Cat trees which have ramps for easy access from one level to next 
  5. Like humans, cats don’t suffer from acrophobia. Note how high your cat loves to climb. And on the basis of your analysis and the age of your cat decide whether  a short or tall cat tree would be convenient.
  6. Age of your cat - If you own a kitten, you can experiment with the height of the cat tree, however if you own an old cat, chances are your cat won’t act like Mowgli or Tarzan and instead she would prefer to rest due to old age. Thus, a multilevel, supremely high cat tree would be a suitable option for a kitten and a cat tree roughly around 31 cm or less would be suitable for an old cat.
  7. Location - An empty corner in your house is where you should place the cat tree. 
  8. Open vs. enclosed – If your cat loves to hide and enjoys privacy choose a cat tree with enclosed platforms. If your cat is an extrovert and enjoys open space choose a cat tree which has open platforms

This simple yet significant piece of furniture offers an all in one me-wow space. Meet your cat’s needs by providing her an artificial indoor tree and let her explore a new world of fun and freedom.

Visit this link to view a wide range of cat trees:
Cat Tree

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