Ear Hygiene for Cats and Dogs

Published | 3 min read
Ear Hygiene for Cats and Dogs


Keeping your pet’s ears clean and dry is an important part of keeping them healthy and happy. Are you wondering if you can clean them at home? You can! Read on to find out how to clean your pets ears at home and unleash the groomer hidden within you.

Why is it important to clean your pets ears?

Hygiene is essential for everyone, even your pets. You clean your pets ears to: 

  • prevent ear infections
  • prevent wax buildup
  • prevent ear wax odor
  • keep them healthy and comfortable.

What do I need in order to clean my pet’s ears?

To clean your pet’s ears, all you need is - a good ear cleaning solution, gauze or ear wipes and a few treats to reward your pet. Using a cotton tip applicator (Q-tip) is strongly disapproved of as it can damage the eardrums or cause trauma to the ear canal. Q-tips can force the debris further into the ear canal.

Step-by-Step guide to cleaning you pet’s ears: 

  1. Get your dog/cat to sit comfortably. If needed, have someone hold him gently to prevent any sudden movements.
  2. Before applying the cleaning solution, check both ears for any redness or foul odor, which are usually symptoms of an ear infection.
  3. If everything looks good, hold the ear flap straight to make the ear canal visible.
  4. Apply five to eight drops of the cleanser into his ear then massage the base of the ear for about 30 seconds to help the solution spread evenly in the ear canal. The quantity of solution used depends on the amount of wax that has built up.
  5. Repeat the same for the other ear.
  6. After the ear wax softens due to the cleanser, use ear wipes or wrap a gauze pad on your finger to remove the wax visible on the external surface of the ear canal.
  7. Once you are done removing the wax with gauze, allow your pet to shake his head which would help remove the remaining solution and wax inside.
  8. Praise your dog/cat and reward him with treats to let him know you were happy with his co-operation.

Ear Cleaning Tips:

  • Clean your pet’s ear once a week or as recommended by your vet to help him stay fresh everyday.
  • Provide him with treats before and after the cleaning process to encourage him to co-operate. If he is resisting when you are in the middle of the application, you can give him treats even then.
  • Make sure he is calm before you apply. It is important to make it a positive experience for him.
  • Use cleansers or solutions that are recommended by your vet.
  • Avoid using cotton swabs because it could force the debris deeper into your pet’s ear. Inserting it deeply could also cause ear damage or affect his hearing.
  • Trim excessive hair around the ear and use a tweezer to pluck out the hair that blocks the ear canals.
  • In case you detect any symptom of infection, take him to a vet immediately.
  • You can apply more drops of the solution if needed, or as instructed on the packaging.

Knowing how to clean your furry friend’s ears is an essential part of grooming your pet. When you care for their hygienic needs, you can see positive changes in their mood as well as their health. For your four-legged friend to be bouncy and bubbly, they need to be in a good shape both, physically and emotionally. Taking care of your dog’s ears is an important aspect in ensuring their overall health and well-being.  

For your comfort: 

Below are links of the products mentioned in the blog: 

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