Sharing An Apartment With A Cat

Published | 5 min read
Sharing An Apartment With A Cat


Sharing a space with someone is like sharing your soul. But when you share your soul the space becomes just an experience that makes you live together
– Orignce.

Relationships thrive in positive environments. In the vastness of space and immensity of time your home is that one little sanctuary to nurture positive relationships. It’s a place where you and your furry friend can relax and make memories. It has to be a comfortable and happy space for both of you.

In order to make living together a cat-tastic experience, there are some things you can do to make the process of living together fun and easy for your feline roommate.

A SERENE PLACE FOR YOUR CAT: Create a space for your cat wherein he/she can hide, rest and relax - a  place where your cat can enjoy solitude. A small enclosed setting is perfect because cats value their privacy. It can be a tent with a plush, felt or velvet bed in it for that extra comfort or a cat tree which has enough space to sit, sleep and hide. But don’t presume that your cat wants to be alone all the time. Once they are done enjoying their me time in their me-wow space, interact with them and show some affection because cats long for human companionship as well.                                   

CAT HAIR: No matter which breed your furry friend belongs to it's going to shed its hair unless you own a Sphynx or Donskoy cat aka Russian Hairless. It’s very normal for a cat to shed hair every day. Unless you don’t notice bare patches, red skin or irritation you need not worry about hair loss. You can get rid of the excess fur or the hair that’s about to fall off by brushing the coat with a brush or a double sided comb. Distract your cat with a head and neck massage and gradually brush the coat. It also provides a great opportunity for you to bond with your cat because cats love massages. Another way to reduce the storm of hair in your house is by keeping your cat hydrated all the time. Lastly, always stick to the conventional methods such as sweeping and vacuuming on a daily basis and regularly washing your cat’s bed.

LITTER AND LITTER BOX: No matter how much we love our cats, the odor of cat poop is super intense. No one can deny that. Litter and a litter box are the best gifts you can give yourself if you own a cat.

We already know cats are stealthy creatures and when it comes to doing their business most cats  prefer to be as discreet as possible. All your cat needs is a quiet corner and a space that’s easily accessible. Fix a corner so that your cat knows where he/she can find the litter box.  Bathrooms and living rooms are the most common choices to place the  box.

Initially, guesswork will be the key. To find out which litter and litter box works  best for your cat, you will have to try different permutations and combinations before you settle on the final one. Only by noting down the preferences of your cat over a period of time, you will get a fair idea as to what your kitty loves.


  1. Scratch posts / mat - Cats have a natural urge to scratch. Scratching helps them to keep their claws sharp, exercise and stretch their muscles. Fix the scratching post in such a place where your cat loves to spend most of her time or you can attach different types of scratching posts in various corners of your house to keep it interesting.There’s no doubt we love our cats but are we ready to sacrifice our furniture? Because if you fail to provide a decent and admissible scratching area your cat will do as it pleases i.e. scratch anything it finds appealing.
  2. Catnip - Catnip has many benefits but the most important one is that it helps your cat to relax and provides a soothing effect. It is a dried herb that works like magic. Many cats find it enchanting and its presence will often draw their attention without much effort. You can sprinkle some catnip on the posts or toys to encourage your cat to use it. However, do not overuse catnip.

  3. Toys - Toys with motion activated sensors like lasers, teaser and wand toys or crinkle toys which generate noise provide a realistic ‘hunting’ experience to your indoor cat and keeps it entertained. You can add plush toys to this collection. A plush toy can  be your cat's snuggle-buddy.

PLANTS: People grow plants in their house for many reasons, to watch them grow, to fill a space with positive energy and fresh air, to add color and create visual harmony. But can you keep house plants if you have a cat? Well, it all narrows down to how well behaved your cat is. If your cat isn’t potty trained then chances are it’s going to use the plant pots to do its business. When your cat is alone at home and bored it may break the leaves and scatter the soil everywhere just for fun. Hence, teach your cat some basic commands. Let her know what’s acceptable and what’s not. To sum it up, yes you can keep plants if you own a cat.

A home is where we feel loved, safe and accepted, a space in which we nurture the relationships we cherish. When you bring a feline friend into your house and restructure the space to make her more comfortable, the relationship between you two is enriched. These changes are small steps towards building a happy home, where your cat feels safe and loved and where the two of you can coexist happily. 

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