Products you need to groom your pet at home

Published | 6 min read
Products you need to groom your pet at home


Taking your pet to the salon for grooming can be a hectic task. From getting them ready to taking them to the groomer and then waiting till the appointment gets over. Especially for something as simple as cutting their nails or trimming their hair. Ever wondered how much time and money you can save if you could groom your pet at home? So why don’t you bring the salon home? Here is a list of products you could use to groom your pet at home.

Brushes and Combs

Slicker brush: Slicker brushes are usually rectangular in shape with tiny metal pins. Some slicker brushes come with a click button which helps you to remove the fur trapped in the metal pins with just a push, thereby making the entire process super convenient. The primary feature of a slicker brush is to remove matts, loose fur and debris. They also help to distribute  natural oils evenly.

How to use it
  • Since the brush is made up of metal pins, do not brush vigorously. Be gentle.
  • Always brush in the direction of the hair growth.
    Flea combs: If you see your pet frequently rubbing his back on the ground, licking and biting or notice visible hair loss (patch loss) then chances are, you will find a colony of fleas underneath your pet’s fur. Flea combs help you find and remove these pesky fleas.
      How to use it
        • Fill a bowl or a small bucket with water.
        • Dip the flea comb in water and then slowly brush your pet’s coat with the flea comb.
        • After every stroke inspect the comb. If  a flea gets trapped  immediately dip the comb in the water bowl and flick the flea.
        • Focus on your pet’s neck, ears, groin, legs and tail. These are usually where most fleas reside.
        Electric Flea comb: As a pet owner, you will have to deal with flea problems at some point. This type of flea comb is best for pet owners who are scared of insects or are unable to catch the fleas as fleas have a tendency to jump or move fast when touched. This electronic flea comb is definitely meant for them. When you comb your pet it  releases a mild electric shock which stuns the fleas and kills them without causing any harm or discomfort to your pet.


            • Curved Scissors: If your goal is to just cut your pet’s hair then a pair of straight scissors suffices. But if you want to achieve absolute perfection then curved scissors are the way to go. An extremely convenient tool for shaping your pet’s coat properly. You can easily get through the tricky areas such as the top of the head or the curves around the tail without hurting your pet. A must have tool for all the perfectionists out there.
            • Tweezers: Use tweezers to remove any debris or pebbles after a walk. Or to remove the ingrown hair 

            Bathing Products 

            Shampoo/Liquid soap dispensing brush: You don’t need to grab a shampoo bottle every now and then while bathing your pet. This brush has soft silicone bristles.It has a non-slip handle which allows you to have a firm grip while you are massaging your pet. This is an ideal tool which makes bath time fun because it allows you to bathe and massage your pet at the same time. 

            How to use

            • Just pour some liquid soap or shampoo in the hollow space and then seal the lid.
            • Wet your pet’s body and then dispense the liquid soap or shampoo.
            • Gently massage your pet’s body with the brush.
            • Rinse 

            Wet wipes and dry bath shampoo: Dry shampoo and wet wipes act as a deodorant and help you to instantly clean your furry friends. Wet wipes and dry shampoo can be your saving grace under the following circumstances.

            • If your pet hates to take a bath on a frequent basis.
            • When you are travelling with your furry friend and you don’t have the time or the space to give a full fledged bath.
            • They are perfect for spot cleaning certain areas such as ears, paws and bum.
            • The best alternative to a regular bath is a dry bath. You can clean your furry friends without getting them wet.
            • We need to wait for a specific amount of time before giving a bath to puppies or kittens. You can instantly clean your pup or kitty without the fear of causing them any sort of discomfort.
            • When your pet is sick.

            Flea shampoo/ Soap: Flea shampoo/soap helps to kill adult fleas during a bath. It also prevents flea eggs and larvae from maturing into adults. If your pet has fleas, use a flea shampoo during a bath and later on use a flea comb to get rid of the remaining flea debris. 

            Microfiber towels and blow dryers: It’s not easy to dry your pet after a bath. You don’t want a wet fur ball running around your house. And you surely do not want them to stay wet for a very long time so they can catch a cold. Therefore, after a bath always use microfiber towels to dry your pet. And later on use a blow dryer designed for pets. The intensity and speed of these blow dryers varies and they are a bit different from human blow dryers.

                      Paw Care  

                      Wax/ creams and ointments: When our hands and feet become dry and flaky we moisturize it. When we see a rash, we apply ointment. Similar products exist in the market for our pets as well. Do not use human lotions and moisturizers for pets as they aren’t suitable to them.

                      The electronic paw cleaning tool: This is an ideal choice for cleaning dirty paws after an outdoor activity. It has extra soft silicone bristles which will automatically clean your pet’s paw and simultaneously massage the paw with just one push button.

                      Nail cutter: When your pet is walking on hard surface areas and you hear a clicking sound that’s when you know it’s time to trim the nails. There are certain points which you should keep in mind before selecting a clippe

                      • Size: The size of the clippers varies as per the size of the breed. Choose a cutter that fits your pet’s size and your hand.
                      • Safety guard: Always choose a nail cutter which has a quick sensor safety guard to avoid over-cutting.

                      Nail grinders: It helps you to file your pet’s nails slowly.They leave a smooth edge unlike the scissor shaped clippers which may leave an uneven surface. Nail grinders consume a lot of time. The pet owner and the pet need to be patient while using a nail grinder.

                      LED cutter: LED light illuminates the bloodline in nails for an easier and safer cutting experience. If you are trimming your dog’s nails for this first time then this clipper is the way to go.

                              Grooming plays an important role when it comes to maintaining your pet’s hygiene. Grooming is important not only to look good and presentable but also to maintain good health. Grooming your pet on a regular basis can help you to detect skin problems and other health related concerns before they become a major issue. Be observant when it comes to your pet’s hygiene because your pet’s hygiene speaks volumes about your own hygiene and how you treat your pet. A  well-groomed owner will always make sure his/her pet stays well groomed as well. So use the right tool and seamlessly perform the art of grooming in the four walls of your house and be a watchdog of your pet’s health.

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